<1月31日(金)の給食 カルボナーラ風スパゲティ ガルバンゾサラダ 黒ゴマケーキ >
- 公開日
- 2025/02/02
- 更新日
- 2025/02/02
<Menu for January 31 (Friday)>
Carbonara-style spaghetti, garbanzo salad, black sesame cake, milk
In the school lunch, all food items except bread and fruits are heated to ensure the core temperature is above 75°C. Therefore, eggs cannot be served soft-boiled. Carbonara-style spaghetti is a new menu item where a sauce made with milk, eggs, and cheese, resembling the flavor of carbonara, is poured over the pasta. How does that sound? Sesame is a food rich in dietary fiber and minerals such as iron. Today, since the pasta sauce contains both eggs and milk, the cake recipe achieves a moist and chewy texture without using eggs and milk.
Photo 2: Eggs are cracked with one hand and transferred to a small container one by one to check for any abnormalities. Then they are transferred to a large container, well-beaten, and strained before use.
Photo 3: As the school kitchen is not very spacious and the cooking time is limited, vegetables that need to be hand-cut with a knife are prepared manually, while those that can be machine-cut without affecting the quality are prepared using machines.