< March 10th(Mon)>
Chicken curry、Bean sprout and wakame seaweed tuna salad、Calpis jelly、Milk
This menu was created by the 3rd-year students as part of their home economics nutrition education. Today’s menu was designed by Class 3-B. Below is a comment from the students:
“The concept of this menu is 'a school lunch that everyone can enjoy.' We focused on popular dishes like curry rice and Calpis jelly, and complemented them with a nutritious and well-balanced bean sprout and wakame seaweed tuna salad, which pairs well with curry rice. When creating this menu, we thought about what elements are necessary for everyone to enjoy their meal. As we considered this, various factors came to mind, such as popularity and familiarity, but we concluded that there should not be ingredients that others may be unable to eat. Therefore, we paid particular attention to minimizing allergy-causing foods in the menu.
Balancing the available budget and ingredient options was a challenge, but we hope everyone can enjoy the meal!”
Komatsugawa Junior High School, Edogawa Ward, Tokyo, Japan Free School Lunch Menu
日本东京都江户川区小松川中学校 免费学校午餐菜单