令和7年3月19日 小松川中学校 第二回 卒業式
- 公開日
- 2025/03/20
- 更新日
- 2025/03/20
令和7年3月19日(水) 江戸川区立 小松川中学校 第二回 卒業式
令和4年(2022)4月 コロナ禍から少しづつ日常生活を取り戻しつつある中で旧小松川一中、旧小松川三中に入学してきた卒業生。飛沫防止からマスクを外せず、音楽室はアクリル板で仕切られた。それでも行動制限の無いGWに少しづつではあるがコロナ禍前の生活に戻りつつあった。6月には今年からロスアンジェルス・ドジャースでプレイする佐々木朗希投手が完全試合を達成する。
セーラー服と学生服に身を包んだコマイチ、コマサン出身の彼らの姿を校舎内で見られなくなるのは少し寂しい気がする。でも小松川中学校の新しい伝統を作り上げてくれた彼らの事は誰も忘れないだろう。卒業式には旧小松川一中の大林校長と旧小松川三中の小野塚校長が出席して頂き、壇上から懐かしい声を聴かせて頂いた。大林校長はコマイチ時代の朝礼で言われていた「これまでをこれからが作る」と言う言葉を、小野塚校長は「I have a dream.」と言う最後のコマサンのテーマとなる言葉を久しぶりに生徒に向けてお話して頂いた。
そして今日学び舎を旅立つ卒業生諸君! 君たちの明るい未来の中で、ふと立ち止まり母校を思い出した時はぜひ、母校を恩師を訪ねて欲しい。ここ小松川中学校はいつでも君たちを温かく迎えてくれるだろうし、先生たちはいつまでも君たちを応援してくれるだろう。
おめでとう 小松川中学校第二回卒業生! 行くぞコマ中!がんばれコマ中!の精神を忘れずにこれからの人生を楽しんでください!!
The ceremony took place under extraordinary weather conditions, transitioning from heavy rain and hail in the morning to snowfall during the students' entry. By the end of the event, the weather cleared, symbolizing a brighter future for the graduates.
In 2022 (Reiwa 4), the efforts to close the former Komatsugawa first Junior High School and Komatsugawa Third Junior High School accelerated significantly. For the prior two years, the COVID-19 pandemic had made it difficult to make adequate preparations, and carrying out these tasks alongside regular lessons was extremely challenging. Nevertheless, the countdown to the scheduled integration in April 2023 (Reiwa 5) began.
Each of the two schools, serving as the foundational institutions, held events such as the “Sanchu Reflection Meeting” and the “Closing Ceremony” to ensure their traditions were not forgotten, inviting numerous alumni to revisit their campuses. The attachment of these graduates, deeply rooted in the local community, to their alma maters was strong. There were even voices expressing sorrow over the closure of the schools and the integration of these once-friendly rival middle schools.
In April 2023 (Reiwa 5), the integration was completed, and Komatsugawa Junior High School was inaugurated in a newly built school building on the site of the relocated Komatsugawa Second Junior High School. This marked the birth of a large-scale junior high school that also included the night classes from the former Komatsugawa Second Junior High School and the special education classes from the former Komatsugawa Third Junior High School.
The students, who entered Komatsugawa Junior High School in their second year and welcomed new students into the pristine new building, quickly strengthened their sense of unity through classwork and club activities, striving to create the spirit of the new Komatsugawa Junior High School. The graduating students became the driving force of the school. By the time they became the senior class in 2024 (Reiwa 6), their efforts gained momentum, and the unique character of the school began to take shape. They successfully passed the baton to the underclassmen, who only knew Komatsugawa Junior High School, in an ideal manner.
Seeing the students, dressed in their sailor uniforms and school blazers, from Komaichi (Komatsugawa Ichichu) and Komasan (Komatsugawa Sanchu), disappear from the halls is a bit bittersweet. However, the contributions they made to establish the new traditions of Komatsugawa Junior High School will not be forgotten.
At the graduation ceremony, the former principals, Principal Obayashi of Komatsugawa Ichichu and Principal Onozuka of Komatsugawa Sanchu, honored the event with their attendance, sharing their nostalgic voices from the podium. Principal Obayashi delivered the words he often spoke during assemblies in the Komai era: "The future builds on the past." Meanwhile, Principal Onozuka revisited the final theme of Komasan, saying, "I have a dream," addressing the students once again after a long time.
As Superintendent Principal Orihashi remarked, "In over 30 years of attending graduation ceremonies, I cannot recall one with weather like this." From thunder and hail to snowfall, and finally clearing skies after the graduation ceremony—it surely reflects the tumultuous yet transformative two years Komatsugawa Junior High School has experienced.
And to you, the graduates embarking on your journeys today! Whenever you find yourself pausing amidst the bright future ahead, do take a moment to remember your alma mater. Visit your school, visit your teachers. Komatsugawa Junior High School will always warmly welcome you back, and your teachers will always be there to cheer you on.
Congratulations to the second graduating class of Komatsugawa Junior High School! Never forget the spirit of "Go, Komachuu! Keep it up, Komachuu!" and enjoy the rest of your lives to the fullest!